Call/Text 203 529 1320 [email protected]
Private Lessons
Private lessons are available by appointment. Beginners to advanced students will benefit from 1:1 instruction as it is the BEST way to build confidence while coaches observe, discover, and decide what adjustments need to be made for better results.
You don't have to be an aspiring Olympian to take private lessons. Youth and adults should speak to coaches to discuss their personal goals and grow from there. We have multiple coaches available to help you find your WAY.
All private lessons are one-hour in duration given at our private indoor range located at 21 Governor Street Ridgefield CT. Please arrive 5 minutes early to prepare your bow, armbands etc. We will show you.
To set up an appointment contact
text or call 203 529 1320
Buy now - One hour lesson $100
Buy now - Five lesson package $500

Coach James - Level III (finalizing Level IV currently). Retired teacher with some schedule flexibility. Ideal for results oriented adults, and JOAD competitive archers. Coach James attends competitions with his JOAD team members by appointment as well.

Coach Richard - Level II - Available Sundays and Mondays, specializing in barebow archery, and recurve.

Coach Mike Level II - available weekday 8am to 2pm by appointment. Ideal for beginners. Coach Mike can also add a physical conditioning element at the club gym by request.