
Draw your sword and test your metal today!

Improving by way of the sword requires a combination of education coupled with application. Simply stated, you learn how to fence better through private and group lessons but you get better results through continuous and consistent tournament play.

Way of the Sword is a competitive fencing club which means we consistently challenge ourselves in formal, measurable tournaments. We believe, through right of arms, we help forge strong character, teach the virtue of perseverance, and develop a sturdy ego.

Kids are not the only ones feeling the pressure however. Parents will be equally challenged having to learn a new sport, and systems for registering and paying for tournaments.

Let's get started:
Knowing which tournaments you are eligible to fence in is a simple matter of first knowing what is your child's USFA Age Classification which, in turn, helps you identify what events they are eligible to compete in such as RYC, ROC, RJCC and other such acronyms.

Parents are 100% responsible for understanding, registering, paying, and showing up to tournaments on time, fully equipped. Additionally, it is customary to pay your coach to attend and support your child during the tournament. This is known as a "strip coaching fee" and is paid to the coach on the day of the event. Typically, $40 for regional events but National events are more as there is travel costs involved. Speak with the attending coach to get a list of the tournaments they plan to attend during the season.

To be a competitive fencer in the USFA you will need:
USFA membership "competitive" level. This is also the account you will use to register for regional and national events.

USFA regulation fencing uniform including mask, FIE chest plate, Underarm protector, jacket, glove, knickers w/ long socks (rented or owned)
2x electrical weapons of choice (owned)
2x body cords two prong style (owned)
2x mask cords (owned)
Lame (owned)


Local Tournaments

Local tournaments are run by clubs. They are great for honing skills regardless of age or skill level. Tournaments can be sanctioned or unsanctioned which is just fine when all you are seeking is fun, adventure and to gain experience. Typically, unsanctioned local events are the least expensive option compared to other tournaments. Parents are welcome to attend local tournaments with or without coach's being present. Think of local events as "practice recitals." Just go "play" and gain experience.

Region 3 Tournaments (North East). Regional tournaments are run by the USFA and are always sanctioned events. All skill levels are welcome to compete and test their metal against the best in the North East. Fencers that enter regional tournaments also earn points towards qualifying for National events as well as earning other accolades and incentives provided by USA fencing such as TOP Point Patches for exceptional dedication and achievements in the sport. Ahem....WAY coaches want to see their students competing at a regional level as soon as possible. We have created a google sheet (Strip Coaching List) of all the Regional 3 Tournaments that coach's plan to be in attendance for you clarification.

National Tournaments (USA). Throughout the year approximately once a month there is a National tournament taking place in the USA. Plane/hotel travel is necessary at this level. When you are fencing on a National stage you are going up against the best in the United States trying to earn points to be on a Team USA National Team

It is possible for fencers to compete internationally with some events being open to the public while others you must qualify to enter such as World Cup.
