Text 203 529 1320 [email protected]

Foil Program


Coaches Mike and Alberto are dedicated and driven professionals specializing in foil, which can be described as playing a game of "physical chess." We'll teach you not only how to move, but more importantly, WHY to move. Requiring a mental plan two or three possible actions ahead of your opponent, this weapon form will hone your ability to think tactically and apply good decisions in a fraction of a second. Like the ancient game of chess, foil is a sport for life and can be enjoyed from ages 5 to 85. Try a free week and watch the process unfold before you in the very first session.



Attend as many or as few practices as your schedule permits.

Ages 4-6 (Little Musketeers) Monday and Thursday 5 to 6 pm and or Saturday 9:30 am to 10:30 am

Ages 7-10:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5 - 6:30 PM
Saturday from 10:30 AM - 12 PM

Ages 11 - 18:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6 - 8 PM
Saturday from 12:30 - 3:30 PM

Fencing and archery open house May 4th. 


Fencing and archery open house May 4th.


4 0
Will with an upset..taking out the 3rd seed to advance into the top 8. LET'S GO!

Will with an upset..taking out the 3rd seed to advance into the top 8. LET`S GO! ...

11 0

Take a stab at it

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